Sweet Support for Those in Need

Sweet Support for Those in Need

Sweet Support for Those in Need

Some 5 million Australians have experienced food insecurity in the last 12 months and the number of people seeking food relief from charities is increasing.

It is the human reality behind these figures that drives the network of local, state and national Foodbank staff, volunteers and partners to do the amazing work they do in providing food for 815,000 Australians via a network of 2,400 charities in every Australian state and territory each month.

Sunshine Sugar is one food manufacturer actively supporting Foodbank in this massive and highly co-ordinated effort.

“As the only 100% Australian grown, made and owned sugar producer, we take the food security of our fellow Australians very seriously”; said Sunshine Sugar’s CEO Mr Chris Connors.

The NSW sugar industry has been a donor to Simplot’s annual campaign to make 85,500 jars of Leggo’s pasta sauce for Foodbank for a number of years. The extent of support from the NSW sugar maker has now grown to include supply of Low GI sugar in retail packs for donation to individuals and households in need of essential food items across the nation.

Low GI sugar is a wholesome cane sugar that retains the naturally occurring and beneficial antioxidants. Being Low in GI or Glycaemic Index, means that it is more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolised – resulting in a lower and slower rise in blood glucose levels.

National Agriculture Program Manager for Foodbank, Ms Jacqui Payne advised; “Sunshine Sugar is sending supplies of their Low GI sugar to our network of distribution centres. It will then make its way into our supply chain, with the help of our state-based teams and an army of wonderful volunteers who pick, pack and get the food to where it’s needed.”

Foodbank estimates that 50% more food is needed to provide enough for all the people seeking assistance. To find out how you might be able to help in the fight against hunger, visit www.foodbank.org.au.

For further information, contact:
VIVIEN MILLER | COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER | P: 02 6640 0467 | M: 0458 477 474

14th September 2020